Reiki Center began its Corporate Wellness Program in 2011. They began by attending various organizational wellness programs that educated about the benefits of Massage, Reiki and the essential oils. It was clear that once the communities understood the validity and the ability for those modalities to assist within the medical/clinical environment, the Reiki Center and its Team were invited more and more. At one point, they attended 67 events in one year. Of course, it is only possible with the help of a great Team.
The Team of Massage Therapists, Jikiden Reiki® Practitioners and Essential Oils staff take all the equipment and supplies to the organization. They set up in one-three rooms to offer chair massage, Reiki sessions and essential oils layered on hands. A separate room is set up for aromatherapy/relaxation room. In the relaxation room, the music is playing, the subtle scent of oils are diffused and employees are welcomed to just take a few minutes to relax and just BREATHE. In another room, massage therapists are busy doing 7-10 minute chair massage. In yet another room, Jikiden Reiki Practitioners, sometimes 6, are set up with massage tables, the music is low and the lights are dim. A 20-30 minute session is given to all. This has been a well-received; employers call it Employees Wellness Day, Staff Appreciation, etc. Whatever it is called, the staff/employees sure do enjoy it!
Because we don’t respond to stress the same way, it can cause imbalances to the body and mind.
Reiki has been proven to reduce pain and discomfort and reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue. It balance for whole body. It’s a natural with absolutely no contraindicators. All can agree that Reiki is beneficial for the “whole body.”
Many will agree that the benefits of the employees will be seen by the employer. Please contact Deborah Pecka at 814.207.5294 with inquires and questions. Your employees will thank you!