About Franz and Deborah Pecka and Timothy Troutman, Jr

Reiki Center Mission



Franz and Deb own and operate Reiki Center for Body and Mind, Inc. The Reiki Center is located at 1301 Allegheny St, Suite 101, Hollidaysburg, PA. Their Mission was and is to establish and maintain a wellness center that offers Complementary and Integrative care to the local and neighboring communities.  These services have grown and include Jikiden Reiki®, Massage (multiple techniques), Essential Oils Technique, Bach Flower Remedies, Ionic Foot Detox, FAR Infrared Sauna, and Health Coaching. Educational services include Jikiden Reiki® (Shoden and Okuden), Essential Oils Workshops and Demonstrations, and Natural Wellness Education. 

They are located in the scenic and historical town of Hollidaysburg, PA., and serve communities in Blair, Bedford, Centre, Cambria and Somerset counties. The Center travels to wellness events to educate the community about the benefits of those modalities classified as Complementary and Integrative Care. Deborah is Shihan (Teacher) and Registered and Authorized to teach Jikiden Reiki® by the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. Deborah is also a LEHP, Licensed Ecclesiastical Holistic Practitioner, Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner. She is also a certified Health Coach.

Franz is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Jikiden Reiki® Practitioner. He continues his educational directive and expands his knowledge and practice with various massage techniques. Franz is an approved provider for Veterans. For preapproval process, the Veteran will need to begin the process by speaking with his or her Primary Care Physician at the VA Medical Center.

They are members of the Jikiden Reiki® Institute in Kyoto, Japan; Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals; Guardian Ecclesiastical Medical Association; American Association for Drugless Practitioners; Holistic Health Association; Bach Centre, Mount Vernon, UK; and the Geriatric Interest Network of Blair County. 

The Center continues to grow and to serve our community by adding various educational classes and modalities that keep with the foundation of the Center: to present, teach and offer complementary and integrative therapies to enhance wellness and quality of life. Classes are designed to educate, empower and encourage.

In 2011, Reiki Center opened its doors at 1301 Allegheny St, Suite 112. Opportunities occurred within the next two years, and the Center grew to its current location: 1301 Allegheny Street, Suite 101, Hollidaysburg, PA in Blair County, Pennsylvania. The Center serves the surrounding areas including Cambria, Bedford, Huntingdon, Somerset and Centre counties.

Franz and Deb continue to expand as they provide validity to integrative care by reviewing clinical studies to present during presentations. Presentations and demonstrations for various organizations are increasing within our own community. The Reiki Center Team has become a welcomed guest to these organizations as the message grows: how we can increase our quality of life with integrative care modalities. 

In 2014, the first Reiki Clinic within the Medical/Clinical environment opened within a local long-term/short-term care facility. Each Wednesday, the volunteers offered Reiki sessions to the staff and residents. Within 18 months, 368 sessions were documented. 

In 2016, they began working within a local medical/clinical environment and offered Jikiden Reiki® sessions and continued until reaching a remarkable 900+ sessions completed by early 2020 within that community. A database begin to gauge the efficacy of Jikiden Reiki®. The survey involved 300+ completed survey of Pre/Post Reiki Sessions using five markers including Pain, Discomfort, Stress, Anxiety, and Fatigue. The results were as follows:

                                               Comparison Data

                                      Pre-Session           Post-Session
               Pain                       2.28                    1.07
               Discomfort         2.48                    0.93
               Stress                   3.19                    0.89
               Anxiety                2.72                    0.91
               Fatigue                3.03                    1.11

In 2017 Reiki Practitioners began working within the cancer center within the neighboring county. This work began one-day a week. It was so successful that it is offered four-times a week. This was offered through the 1889 Foundation. However, due to the Pandemic, Reiki is no longer offered. 

Participation in MANY events has led to a greater understanding of how the integrative care system can play a role in our wellness and quality of life. These events include Bryce Jordan Center, Health and Fitness Expo, Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries, Altoona Mirror Wellness Expo, Southern Blair Senior Center, Northern Blair Senior Center, McCullough Place Long-Term/Short-Term Care, VA Medical Center, Home Helpers, UPMC, VA Medical Center-all CBOCs… to name just a few. Each provides a new opportunity to educate and demonstrate the modalities that the Center offers. The Team participates in multiple contracts offering Massage, Reiki and Aromatherapy

“Reiki has enriched our lives; we are very blessed to have the opportunity to present the benefits of complementary methods of wellness to our community. We feel that Complementary Care fits well within our local traditional Medical/Clinical environment to promote natural wellness and balance of mind/body,” Franz and Deb said.




Reiki Center for Body and Mind, Inc will

  • increase the awareness of the benefits of Jikiden Reiki® within the Medical/Clinical environment
  • provide an educational environment for Integrative Care
  • increase the awareness of a natural approach to wellness
  • create a calm and nurturing environment for our clients
  • complement traditional medicine with honor and respect
  • teach and support those who are called to learn Jikiden Reiki®
  • expand to other areas of helpfulness such as meditation groups and various support groups